Kugler Kandestin and Siskinds Desmeules file amended application for authorization to institute a class action against Desjardins in connection with massive data breach

Update January 24, 2020: Today, we sent an email to class members who have communicated with us to date in order to advise them of recent developments with respect to the Desjardins data breach class action. In summary, on January 20, 2020, the attorneys for class members (Siskinds and Kugler Kandestin) filed with the Court a joint Application…

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Authorization of class action against the Attorney General of Quebec for violations of detainees’ Charter right to the presumption of innocence and reasonable bail

We are very pleased to announce that the Superior Court of Quebec has rendered a judgment authorizing this class action brought against the Attorney General of Québec for the systematic violation of the right of detainees in Québec to have their detention reviewed by a judge in accordance with the Criminal Code. Kugler Kandestin is…

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Kugler Kandestin files class action against L’Unique Assurances Générales Inc. for failing to indemnify dental clinics for their business interruption losses due to COVID-19

Kugler Kandestin has filed an Application for Authorization to Institute a Class Action and to Obtain the Status of Representative in the matter of Centre Dentaire Boulevard Galeries d’Anjou Inc. vs. L’Unique Assurances Générales Inc. (“L’Unique”). This Application for Authorization relates to the fact that dental clinics in Quebec have had to close, reduce or interrupt…

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Kugler Kandestin is thrilled to announce that the Quebec Superior Court has authorized the institution of a class action against the legal entities forming the Brothers of the Sacred-Heart on behalf of all victims throughout Quebec who were sexually abused by a member of the religious order

Kugler Kandestin and the numerous victims of sexual abuse that have contacted the firm are rejoicing in this decision.  The Judgment will allow Kugler Kandestin to proceed with a class action lawsuit claiming significant compensatory damages for each victim, as well as punitive damages in the amount of $15 million. Many victims have communicated with…

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