Class Actions

Class Action – Sexual abuse: Centre de la Communauté Sourde du Montréal Métropolitain v. the Clerics of Saint-Viator of Canada and l’Institut Raymond Dewar

February 16, 2016

The Superior Court of Quebec rendered a Judgment approving a $30 million settlement for victims of sexual abuse at the former Montreal Institute for the Deaf.

In order to submit a claim and receive compensation pursuant to the settlement, you must follow these instructions:

    1. Complete and send a claim form entitled « Claim Form (Annex 3) » by NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 2, 2016;If you are claiming as the Estate of a deceased victim, complete and send the form entitled
      « Formulaire de réclamation (Annexe 4) ».
    2. The original claim form must be sent to the Adjudicator and a copy of the claim form must be sent to the Attorneys of the Class at the following addresses:Adjudicator:
        1. By registered mail (attesting to the date of shipment) to the following address:Attention: The Honourable André Forget
          55 Castonguay Street, Suite 400
          Saint-Jérôme, Québec
          J7Y 2H9;


      1. By fax (with fax transmission slip) to the following number: 450 436-9735;


      Attorneys of the Class:

        1. By mail to the following address: 1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 2101, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3B 2C6;


        1. By fax (with fax transmission slip) to the following number: 514 875-8424;


      1. By e-mail:

CAUTION: Failure to submit one’s claim to the Adjudicator and to the Attorneys of the Class before September 2, 2016 will result in the refusal of the claim and forfeiture of one’s right to benefit from the Settlement Agreement.

  1. After sending in your claim form, you will then be called to a private and confidential meeting with the Adjudicator, who will be assisted by an interpreter of sign language (LSQ).The Adjudicator will be solely responsible for determining the validity of your claim and the compensation to which you may be entitled.The Defendants will not be present during your meeting with the Adjudicator, and they will have no right to know your name, nor the right to challenge your claim.

Additional information may also be found on the CCSMM’s website at:

If you are a member of the class or have any interest in the case, you may communicate with the attorneys handling the case, whose contact information is below. All communications will be kept strictly confidential.

You may also communicate directly with the CCSMM by telephone at 514 279-7609 or present yourself at 2200 Crémazie Blvd. East, Suite 207, Montréal, Québec, H2E 2Z8, in order to obtain the assistance of an interpreter speaking sign language (LSQ). The CCSMM will translate your account of events to the undersigned attorneys.

For a history of the case, please consult the information found below.

Pierre Boivin
(514) 878-2861 ext. 103
Robert Kugler
(514) 878-2861 ext. 116

Current as at February 19, 2016.

Pierre Boivin and Robert Kugler represent the Petitioner, Centre de la Communauté Sourde du Montréal Métropolitain (“CCSMM”), in a Class Action against l’Institut Raymond-Dewar (formerly known as “Institut des Sourds de Montréal “) and Clercs de Saint-Viateur du Canada, on behalf of numerous victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by adults in authority at the institution.

By Judgment of March 23, 2012, the Québec Superior Court granted the Motion for Authorization on behalf of the following group (unofficial translation):

“All persons who allege having been sexually abused by any religious member of the Congregation Clercs de Saint-Viateur du Canada (hereinafter “Congregation”), or any laic employee working at 7400 Saint-Laurent Blvd. in Montréal (hereinafter the “Center”) while they were boarders and/or students at the Center between 1940 and 1982.”

The Québec Superior Court granted the victims the right to testify on a confidential basis by using a pseudonym.

On June 5, 2012, the Motion to Institute Proceedings was served and filed in the Court record.

On November 5, 2015, Kugler Kandestin negotiated a settlement agreement requiring the payment of $20 million by the Clerics of Saint-Viator of Canada.

On February 10, 2016, Kugler Kandestin negotiated a subsequent settlement agreement requiring an additional payment of $10 million by L’Institut Raymond Dewar.

The total amount of the settlement to be submitted to the Quebec Superior Court for approval is $30 million, representing the largest settlement in Quebec history for sexual abuse of minor children, by far.

The Hearing for the Amended Application to Approve the Settlement Agreement will take place on February 16, 2016.

To view the Notices published in the newspapers in order to inform the members of the class of the Hearing, please click here.

Additional information may also be found on the CCSMM’s website at: We will continue to update our website as there are developments in the case.

If you are a member of the class or have any interest in the case, you may communicate with the attorneys handling the case, whose contact information is below. All communications will be kept strictly confidential. You may also communicate directly with the CCSMM by telephone at 514-279-7609 or present yourself at 2200 Crémazie Blvd. East, Suite 207, Montréal, Québec, H2E 2Z8, in order to obtain the assistance of an interpreter speaking sign language. The CCSMM will translate your account of events to the undersigned attorneys.

Pierre Boivin
(514) 878-2861 ext. 103
Robert Kugler
(514) 878-2861 ext. 116

Current as at February 19, 2016.