Class Actions

L’Unique Assurances Générales Inc. for failing to indemnify dental clinics for their business interruption losses due to COVID-19

Kugler Kandestin has filed an Application for Authorization to Institute a Class Action and to Obtain the Status of Representative in the matter of Centre Dentaire Boulevard Galeries d’Anjou Inc. vs. L’Unique Assurances Générales Inc. (“L’Unique”).

This Application for Authorization relates to the fact that dental clinics in Quebec have had to close, reduce or interrupt their businesses (except for certain emergency procedures) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They have accordingly sustained, and will continue to sustain, a very significant loss of business income that will amount to millions of dollars. They have claimed business interruption insurance from their insurance company L’Unique in accordance with their insurance policy, but L’Unique has refused to honour their claims.

This Application for Authorization was filed on behalf of the following class of persons:

“All businesses engaged in the practice of dentistry or a sub-specialty of dentistry in the province of Quebec who were forced to reduce or interrupt their businesses as a result of COVID-19 and were denied coverage for Business Interruption Insurance by L’Unique Assurances Générales Inc.”

The Authorization Hearing will take place before Superior Court Judge Thomas M. Davis on April 21, 22 and 23, 2021. At that time, the lawyers for the parties will debate whether this Class Action against L’Unique Assurances Générales Inc., as well as two other Class Actions filed by a different law firm (Merchant Law Group) against numerous other insurance companies, should be authorized to proceed.

If you have any questions, you can contact Me Stuart Kugler or Me Robert Kugler, the attorneys responsible for this file, at 514 878-2861, or by email at or

We will continue to update this page as the file progresses.